Super tenere ecu flash
Super tenere ecu flash

I really didn’t know what to expect re results, but said what the hell anyway. I asked him to get the data for the 1200 tenere which he did. He has a good understanding of electronics etc so I was confident in his ability & i know him well enough to be at ease.

#Super tenere ecu flash software#

He has recently got software for ECU flashing. He currently works for Megabikes here in Dublin city centre ( also worked for NDM ). I left the bike to a local qualified guy here in Dublin ( Gary Donohoe ) who has good experience with race engines, rebuilds, servicing etc, on all makes of bike. Ray (the bike owner) came back to me and has ran his own test on the MPG – apparently he’s now getting as high as 53mpg which is a big improvement for an XTZ12. I’d imagine there was a bit more available but we’ll need to get one with an aftermarket exhaust to prove it (we have one due next week). This ECU work released almost 10bhp in lower gears and 2bhp at peak.

super tenere ecu flash

This bike was quite restricted in it’s peak horsepower numbers. This bike was running a standard exhaust and standard air filter so I ran it through the dyno to double check the baseline settings I’d work from. I build in a custom fuel map to the Super Tenere’s ECU. I generally release the restrictions I mentioned in the lower gears – it’s a no brainer IMO. So what did we end up improving on the Yamaha XT1200Z Super Tenere? This particular customer was also interested in trying the map with this removed Yamaha do this to make the bike for the masses!.

super tenere ecu flash

In plain English – they make is slower in first, second and third gear. I know that these Yamaha’s also have a gearbox restriction electronic throttle valve (ETV). This customer was also looking to increase the mileage he got out of a tank. He was struggling to ride it around the city center without needing to ride the clutch a lot to make the delivery smooth. I was dropped up this 2013 Yamaha Super Tenere XT1200Z as the customer felt the throttle was really snatchy in the lower rpm.

Super tenere ecu flash